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FAQs: Discover insights about our custom T-shirt design and printing process.

Have questions? We’re here to help!

Need assistance? Browse our FAQs or contact our friendly customer service team for personalized support. We’re dedicated to making your experience with Lashika Imports & Exports outstanding.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we provide international shipping to selected countries. Visit our shipping page for details on eligible countries and rates.

What is your return policy?

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not happy with your purchase, returns are accepted within 30 days. See our returns policy page for more information on how to proceed.

Do you have a rewards program?

Yes, join our loyalty program and earn points on every purchase. Enjoy exclusive perks, discounts, and special offers. Sign up in-store or online to start earning rewards.

Can I buy gift cards?

Yes, we offer gift cards for any occasion. Purchase them in-store or online. Gift cards are redeemable for any product and never expire.

Experience the Best in Custom T-Shirt Design

Welcome to Lashika Imports & Exports, your go-to for custom t-shirts. Explore our unique AI-powered designer to create styles that reflect your personality. Don’t delay, start designing today and transform your wardrobe!

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